Obi Chan Shinobi san!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Shinobi's first day at work!

Today my husband went back to work and took Shinobi with him. It was also Shinobi's first bus journey and she got mobbed by students (ah!). Everyone thinks she's a fox (predictably) except one person who asked if she was a wolf, what the?! Oh and another woman who insisted she was a Chow Chow and wouldn't have it any other way despite the lack of blue tongue or maine! Ha!

70 bloody pence! Bit of a rip off if you ask me.

He set up her playpen in the barn next to a heater and took her out for little walks every half an hour or so. Probably a much more relaxing day for her than being at home alone all day - (perhaps not so relaxing for my now exhausted husband who is sleeping on the sofa at 8pm!).

Not exactly an ideal solution for the separation anxiety she suddenly seems to have developed, but we do prefer keeping her close, she's still a baby after all!

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